Who's Going to Maintain Your Content?

Who is going to maintain your WalkMe™ content six months from now? This is an issue that can get overlooked at the start of a new deployment...
We get WalkMe deployed, the content is great, people love it!
We’re saving time, improving onboarding, automating clicks, improving data quality.
OK, now let’s fast forward 6 months.
The app is going to change.
WalkMe content is going to need to be adjusted.
Yes, WalkMe has industry-leading Deep UI algorithms to adjust to underlying changes in the app.
(This keeps Salesforce from recoding the search bar and making everyone’s content go *poof*)
But my experience over the last 5+ years of doing this tells me there’s lots of other internal-company change:
The initial emphasis we needed to have with WalkMe was accomplished.
Your own orgs and business processes evolve.
The way you explain those business processes mature.
OK so now…
Don’t just volunteer someone on your team and tell them “There’s training online, you’ll figure it out”
Send them to me.
The DAP Academy is a 12-week coaching program for WalkMe builders.
I teach your folks how to diagnose EVERYTHING top to bottom.
We review all the settings, admin, analytics, console, extensions.
We fix broken content.
We build, QA and publish new content.
We setup your WalkMe program and plan for the future.
At the end of it, you have someone IN YOUR COMPANY you know you can count on for WalkMe.
Know someone who could benefit from this?
Send me a note.