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WalkMe Discovery

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Holy cow, 248k savings?? Surprising results after running WalkMe™ Discovery on a recent project... 
Has anyone else enabled WalkMe Discovery in their enterprise? Here are some results I just saw: 
#1 - Visibility: 
350+ Apps - WalkMe's state of Digital Adoption is correct. Many not recognized by IT. People in your org are using tons of tech you don't even know about. 
#2 - Cost Savings: 
Then we loaded in costs and license counts for the apps we knew. 
248K - The potential savings on ONE APP ALONE from underutilization. 
And overutilization? How is that possible? Aah, we potentially have a different app licensed multiple times by different areas of the organization. There's opportunity to consolidate contracts, negotiate discount, etc. 
#3 - More Strategic Direction of DAP Efforts: 
Discovery lets you view software usage from the lens of both the percent of the org that is using the tool as well as the # of hours the tool is used. 
"I didn't know that many people used..." 
Here we were able to prioritize the next app for WalkMe deployment. 
#4 - Software Consolidation 
WalkMe Discovery lets you group software by category. HR / Project Management / Etc. 
Then when you see duplicate software in different categories? Why are we paying for Jira, Monday, Clickup, Workfront, and Asana? 
People are very particular about the way they track tasks on projects, I get it. 
But does that mean that a medium sized enterprise needs to buy ONE OF EACH project / task management software? 
People move departments or from one project to another and suddenly we're doing everything differently and we need to buy new software? 
Your org gets way more value using 80% of the functionality of one application rather than 10% of 8 different apps... 
(We only build one set of WalkMe, build one Power BI integration, build API integrations to one app, etc..) 
WalkMe Discovery is a huge added bonus for enterprises that have deployed the WalkMe extension. 
It's the kind of thing that's impossible to unsee and needs to be a key piece for CIOs and Digital Transformation Teams. 
What do you think? 
Have you tried WalkMe Discovery?

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