Get Help with WalkMe

WalkMe Deployment FAQ



When growing WalkMe in your organization, you're going to get a lot of the same questions.  Many of these questions can be answered in as little as 2 sentences or as long as a 30-minute screenshare.

When you demo to internal stakeholders, you don't want to spend time explaining the basics.  You'll want to have internal collateral to send ahead of time.

To that end, I'm going to answer as briefly as I can the top questions I get about initially deploying WalkMe.



Where can I see what WalkMe is all about?


What are some of the top high-level use cases for WalkMe?

  • Change Management
  • Supporting Revenue Generation
  • End User Efficiency
  • Empowering Self-Service
  • Process Efficiency
  • Cross-Application Automation
  • Compliance
  • Training Reduction 


Can you give examples of other customers using this?


What about WalkMe on Customer-Facing applications?


Can a WalkThru Span multiple systems?

  • Yes, absolutely.  It can navigate to other systems and automate actions there as well. 
  • Here's an EXAMPLE I wrote up..
  • NOTE:  WalkMe must be licensed for multiple systems for this to work.


What are requirements to embed WalkMe?

  • Internal Employees will see it because they have the browser extension in Edge and Chrome.
  • If system is open to world, we would need IT / DEV team to put code snippet in <HEAD> tag on site.


Does it work with dynamic sites?

  • Yes, WalkMe content “follows” the HTML elements they’re tied to. 
  • Can also use split logic to define conditions to guide user to take different actions if different things are visible / not visible on page.


WalkMe Widget for Help Menu – Does it have to be a question mark?

  • How / when / if the WalkMe widget appears is completely customizable.
  • "Walk Me Through" or "XYZ Company - Help"
  • Make your own custom image and logo...


Help Menu – Summaries of Walk-Thrus?

  • Yes, a Walk-Thru like “Order Parts” can have a description of it in the menu.  It can also be searched via keywords to call it up.


Can I show certain WalkMe content to some users and not others?

  • Yes, this is "Segmentation" which can be defined many ways - URL, element on the screen, background variable, etc.


Who authors / edits Walk-Thrus?

  • There are multiple permission levels - we control who has access to create Walk-Thru content for a site.


Are there other vendors in this space?


How much does it cost?

  • Are we still licensed per-system -- Here you need to contact your WalkMe sales rep, will depend on application type, number of users, etc.
  • This is very much related to building a business case --


What if we have an Enterprise License Agreement (ELA)?

  • It's already paid for!  Cost is just implementation labor which is different discussion depending on scope, who's doing work, etc.


Next Steps

  • Next time you're rolling out WalkMe in your organization, feel free to send them this FAQ as a starting point.
  • Have any additional questions that I missed?  Let me know and I'll add them.

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