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ROI Calculation aka Saving 100k with WalkMe


Helped a client put WalkMe onto a web-based application of theirs.

Let's just say people are, uhh, not a fan of this application currently.

1. We identified the top ten issues with the application:

People can't login

People can't register

When they do register, the data are incorrect


Each one of them resulted in some helpdesk email traffic / tickets.

2. WalkMe Solutions

Looking at the application, we then diagnosed a root cause for each one.  And depending on cause, we then built WalkMe solutions to address each one of these.

(Often multiple apps - an invisible launcher to block a button linked to a Walk-Thru with data validation to ensure the right data was being entered, for example.). We then went through QA and Published all solutions to PROD.


3.WalkMe Insights

We immediately monitored usage via WalkMe Insights to ensure everything was working properly.

To perform ROI calculation, we used WalkMe Insights to look at usage over 90 days.


4. Cost Calculation

We then calculate COST TO CLIENT using a conservative cost per ticket metric based on salary, time to solve, etc.  There are various ways to do this.  We ended up at each ticket being around $27.


5. Add Conservatism

We then further discounted how "effective" each solution was at avoiding a ticket.

(Not every Walk-thru play counts, some solutions more assertive than others, etc.)



Bottom line - with only 7 of 10 published, we saved 25k in a quarter, should pass 100k savings this year.

Money saved can just as easily be characterized as HOURS for our support staff to devote to value-generating activity.

Return on Investment (ROI) calculation is an art, not a science.  There are MANY ways of doing this.

Let me know if you'd like some help calculating WalkMe ROI.

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