Get Help with WalkMe

Don't know what comes next? ASK YOUR USER


Don't know what comes next? ASK YOUR USER. (Tip from DAP Academy Build Module)...


Helping a client recently with WalkMe™ for a process inside Salesforce.

We're go bottom-up and support the user as opposed to doing a huge top-down monolithic WalkThru.

We had taken the overall process and broken it down into component Walk-Thrus.

This allows for modular creation, ease of maintenance, using the "Connect To" feature.

(It allows you to think of a Walk-Thru as a programming function that you can call.)

Now we get to the end of Process A.

Our "Training Documents" says users do Process B next.

Should we auto-start that Walk-thru?

Seemed logical but builder was a bit unsure.
OK, does process B ALWAYS, IMMEDIATELY follow process A?

"Well... Sometimes..."

OK, what do we do when we get to "sometimes?"


Like below, put in a simple pop-up statement where we then give a couple of custom buttons. 

Many times you have necessarily serial process steps.
And many times you don't actually know what users want or need to do next in what order or sequence.

In this case, don't be too prescriptive.

Turn it into a "Choose Your Own Adventure".

(This is another way WalkMe smashes the old-school linear Training Document)

What do you think?

Have you tried this technique?

If so, how did it work?



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