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About Jeff:


Originally from Missouri, I've always been interested in the intersection of humans and technology and making things easier for users. 


Tech and Human Factors

  • In high school I worked on the first internet service provider in our hometown.  Dial-up and Windows 95 gave a real sympathy for PC end-users.  As clunky as tech is now, it was WAY WORSE 25 years ago.
  • After reading "The Design of Everyday Things", I got into Human Factors.  This led me to a Master's in Human Factors degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where I studied collision avoidance systems in vehicles.
  • The first chapter of my career was centered on physical product development.  I did digital Human Modeling to design Line Haul trucks, buses and military vehicles.  One of the most rewarding chapters of my career was working at Sikorsky Aircraft for the development of the CH-53K Heavy Lift Helicopter. Semper Fi!


Business Process Improvement

  • I then got an MBA from Indiana University and started focusing not just on doing product development but HOW we were working.  Instead of making the physical product fit the end consumer, I worked on making the software and processes meet the needs of the employees.
  • This led me to a cool engineering knowledge base product called Auros.  We migrated legacy IT apps to Auros and created new processes, growing from 0 to over 2700 users.  After flying to Mexico to teach a 2-day "train the trainer" PPT-heavy course, I thought "There's gotta be a better way to onboard and support users of this thing..."


Digital Adoption

  • Fortunately, that led me to WalkMe.  Like many of you, the moment I saw it, I said "THAT'S WHAT WE NEED".
  • In 2018, we brought in WalkMe. I did admin and built all the content end-to-end.  We then expanded onto multiple systems.  After seeing the possibilities of WalkMe, I decided to go all-in.  I left my former job and started JMayhugh Consulting.
  • My mission now is to help companies be successful with WalkMe.  Reach out if there's anything I can do for you!

Platforms I've Improved with WalkMe:


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